My Style
Over the years of counselling my style has evolved and whilst I started as Pure Person Centred, I now adapt to the client’s needs. And once the relationship and boundaries are established, we are able to work in a more Person Centred way which gives the huge benefits & empowers my clients.
Person-Centred Therapy
Devised by Carl Rogers and also called "Client-Centred" or "Rogerian" counselling, this is based on the assumption that a client seeking help in the resolution of a problem they are experiencing, can enter into a relationship with a counsellor who is sufficiently accepting and permissive to allow the client to freely express any emotions and feelings. This will enable the client to come to terms with negative feelings, which may have caused emotional problems, and develop inner resources. The objective is for the client to become able to see themselves as a person, with the power and freedom to change, rather than as an object.
Relationship Therapy
Relationship counselling enables the parties in a relationship to recognise repeating patterns of distress and to understand and manage troublesome differences that they are experiencing. The relationship involved may be between, for example, members of a family (see also Family Therapy) or a couple, or work colleagues.
Humanistic Therapy
Coming from the "personal growth movement" this approach encourages people to think about their feelings and take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Emphasis is on self-development and achieving highest potential. "Client-Centred" or "Non-Directive" approach is often used and the therapy can be described as "holistic" or looking at person as a whole. The client's creative instincts may be used to explore and resolve personal issues.
Eclectic Counselling
An Eclectic counsellor will select from a number of different approaches appropriate to the client's needs. This is based on the theory that there is no proof that any one theoretical approach works better than all others for a specific problem